Thursday, September 13, 2007

boy troubles NOT

After my mtg with my manager yesterday I was all like ‘boys just get in the way of me being successful at work. Then today I have this whatever meeting that I didn’t want to go to… and oh my, oh my…. Who would have thought I would feel so stupid after talking to a boy. Not getting my hopes up, because quite frankly I don’t even know him and didn’t REALLY get a good look… but hey, he smells TOTALLY amazing.

I saw him, didn’t make much of it. But then when he talked to me all of a sudden I felt my chest get all tight. But anyways… we just made small talk before this mtg. And then after the mtg he was the first one to strike convo again. Asking me where Im from and this and that...
I feel silly. Oh so silly, I feel silly and giddy and gayyyyyy….
I bet this will soon pass...
I wrote the stuff above during my lunch break... and low and behold, the excitement did pass. By the time I got off work I was feeling w/e about it... too bad, too sad. off to SALSA!!!!!!!!

<3 Pree


TCM said...

hi there...

SLRd said...

But it is just so very easy to go gaga over boys who smell good, but then it gets all awkward when the hug lingers far longer than it should.

Especially if we just met.