Sunday, December 9, 2007

saying what i dont mean

Im in the kitchen eating ice cream from the carton, pouring myself some wine and thinking of inviting archangel to dinner tomorrow when I hear my cellphone.... Ring... ring... (oh god! please be Archangel... please be Archangel...)
After abandoning my tub of ice cream and running to the living room I jump at the phone... it is a number not saved. My first thought (maybe archangel is calling from his house number, instead of his cell)

Me: "Hello" (alright, dont act so happy to hear from him.. play hard to get! play hard to get!)
Disappointment: "Hi... its Disappointment" (I know this is a horrible alias, but seriously, I was disappointed at the call)
Me: (oh... great, shouldnt have answered the phone) "hey Disappointment! how are you?"
(what does he want? its Sunday night, whatever you need you could have just asked me tomorrow... this better not be just a friendly call... you better have a freaking emergency, I gave up ice cream for this call... oh shit, he is talking. I should pay attention)
Disappointment: "I was just calling to see how your weekend went"
Me: (WTF?!?!? This is such not a life or death matter!! Let's not draf this forever) "It went well. Yours?"
Disappointment: "blah blah blah... did you end up going out Friday or Saturday?" (i know i paraphrased, but it was seriously not worth re-telling)
Me: (I should tell him about archangel so he gets no special ideas) "Yeah... went on a date and to some holiday parties. Nothing too special" (special thoughts and feelings running through my mind...)
Disappointment: blah blah blah...
Me: blah blah blah... (I guess we can chat for a few minutes)
Disappointment: "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: (WTF?!?!? This dude better not get his hopes up)
Disappointment: "Oh just dates... so, what do you consider a date?"
Me: (What do you care?)
blah... blah.. blah... (getting no-where)
Disappointment: "Maybe we should get together and watch movies or something."
Me: "Yeah" (no!)
Disappointment: "I didnt even ask, do you like hanging out with people from work?"
Me: "I dont mind hanging out with people from work, I just dont date ppl from work" (ill so date ppl from work if they are worth it... ill just refrain from dating the ones I directly work with!)
Disappointment: "You seem so... so... lively. Im sure you have a pretty exciting life"
Me: (thanks for the compliments but you must be pretty boring if you think my life is exciting) "Oh no... Im actually pretty lame" (wow, the truth for once... just dont tell Archangel, i want him to think I'm fun )
blah blah blah...
Me: It was nice talking to you, but I gotta get going. (how the hell did I stay on the phone with you for this long?)

I know I sound way bitchy.. but honestly, regardless of who had called I would have been upset... because when I gave up on my ice cream and ran for the phone I had my hopes up it was archangel, and unless it was him, I'd be disappointed. Sucks to be you...

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