Tuesday, November 6, 2007

to separate the good boys from the bad

Ive been 'officially' single for a little while now... 4 and a half months or so. I'd like to say I am pretty proud of where Ive been for the last 2 months. Yes there are days that I havent been the best about 'single life' but God knows it took work to get here. I am determined to stay single until the right person shows. If they do, great.. if they dont, I will wait. In talking to Slippers the other day, she questioned and probed this position... I also talked to GG about it... between the two of them, I got thinking that I should put on paper what someone has to have for me to even consider giving them my time (beyond free dinners...).

* No long distance
* Must like cuddling and hanging out in bed on Sunday mornings
* Has to be funny
* Must be overtly flirtatious (just average doesnt do it for me)
* Has to stay up with me when I have nightmares
* Have a decent sense of style (no Mr. Metrosexual, but some common sense)
* Have great conversations(deep, meaningfull, thought-provocking)
* Have 4+ hour long conversations
* Be able to goof around with me
* Make me feel sexy
* Feel priviledged to be with me
* Respect me no matter what
* Be secure in himself
* Stand with me 'when it rains'
* Go to church with me
* Talk about God with me
* Make me laugh
* Show me everyday that he cares
* Treat me to special surprises
* Love to watch movies together (especially romantic comedies)
* Push me to be my best
* Bring out the best in me
* Want to travel the world
* Make me happy
* Make me feel comfortable opening up about anything/everything
* Be patient with me
* Tell me truths that most people wont / be harsh if necessary
* Challenge me
* Have a desire to be(come) his best self
* Fight with me (explosivelly at times)
* Strong enough to fight for us
* Do anything/everything if i really need him
* Be there without me asking him to
* Be comfortable in silence together
* Support me in what is important to me
* Be committed to making us work
* Be honest and open
* Be confident enough to admit weaknesses
* Be a little jealous (bcuz its makes me feel wanted) but not be insensible about it (bcuz its a turn off)
* Be affectionate without excessive groping... Has to: kiss me on the forehead, kiss me on the cheek, hold my hand when we drive, hold me by the hips , squeeze my ass when kiss passionately, smack my ass jokingly,...
* Above average endowment
* Be open to new 'ideas'
* Passion about something. (other than drinking or smoking)... sports, music, arts preferred
* Age range: 22-29
* No couch potato (can enjoy the couch, but no couch potato)
* has Cool friends
* Good relationship with his mother
* Has to like kids (especially more than I do... thats not that hard!)
* Has to enjoy taking pictures/being photographed and nice to have is be photogenic
* Unlimited but controbllable libido
* Be a democrat (or at least a liberal conservative)

At Sasquash's request... some other requirements are:
* at the very least have college degree and high LSAT scores,
* must type at least 60 words a minute
* has a car with four wheels that are not donuts/power windows/heater
* not living with his mother (preferrably alone... i.e. not with another woman)
* no hairy backs (ewww)
* < 30% bodyfat, good teeth (one snaggle tooth at most)
* culturally diverse (understand that US isnt the best place on earth no questions asked)
* no B.O. is a must
* must not dominate with the door open,
* Must agree that the University of Florida is Gville but the GatorNation is everywhere
* More than 150 friends on facebook

I tried to be reasonable with the list... really! I might come back and sort of it by 'must have' and 'nice to have' but we all know that when there is chemistry, its hard to stick by rules. Did I miss any rules?


Prinda said...

i don't date guys with cats. haha.

Lola said...

Ummmm why set the limit at 29? I don't think there's anything wrong with early 30's ;-)