Saturday, May 10, 2008

take 2

apparently my friday nights are now to be spent sleeping... yet again, I fell asleep shortly after I got home from work only to wake up at 6AM on Saturday. Since I had just gotten home from work, my phone was on silent so I missed tons of calls/texts and Friday night plans. However, it seems I did need the sleep. This past week was really demanding and I didnt really accomplish much which has made me feel like crap. Thats what happens when you are that personally committed in your job... I just let it get to me, and then things dont fare so well. But Im glad I got my rest... the day is rising and it seems that its going to be a good one.

The waking up early was actually really good bcuz I caught my parents before they left for London and hence I was able to tell my mom Happy Mothers Day.

So it turns out that one of the many perks of my job is International Travel. I am getting my info together now, but I will be spending 2 weeks for work in the UK. Manchester and London. It should be fun seeing that when I was there last summer I had almost cashed out by the time that I got to London. The best part is that, if you remember, my stepdad is going to be living in London already so I can see him; and even better my mom/sisters/grandma/aunt will all be vacationing in France the following week. What that means is... I can just hop on the chunnel and meet them in Paris for a few days before I come back to the US.

Anyways... off I go to figure out what side trips to take during my three weekends in Europe.


Prinda said...

when are you going?? i'm leaving for the UK on may 21...

. said...

Im going to be in the UK from June 9-20ish