When we first left Brazil in 1995, I could have never imagined that one day the easiest way for my family to get together would be for all of us to fly into Paris, which is what we are doing this summer! What a privileged girl you'll say. Its true. I am. I am the luckiest person Ive ever met. I have no right to complain. Ive had opportunities that many ppl dream of. And for a long time Ive been used to the idea of living 'alone and abroad'.
But now the news of my parents moving to London, got me thinking... no matter how lucky Ive been, or how enabling technology can be, you stretch and stretch but never reach... now I cant help but wonder if the price is worth it. My parents sure miss my sister and I - I always knew this was hard on them. I never put much thought into me, and the price I pay. Im alone in this huge country; sure I have some friends who I can call upon. But for the most part, Im pretty alone here and sometimes it sure feels that way. Other than a job (which in all fairness I do love), Cincinnati has nothing else for me. But why move, anywhere else in this country would be just as empty.
From this perspective it makes me think Im strong, independent and mature... makes me think I live for me and noone else... but I think it also explains why Ive held friends and boyfriends so high in my esteem, even when they didnt reciprocate. Its human to want to belong, and today I am feeling like I dont anywhere. And days like today technology isnt quite up to where it should be. But this too shall pass... after all, Ive learned to ignore the things that make me sad.

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