Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beware of TOM

I am feeling uneasy today... Cant put my finger on it, but it may be that the weather sucks AGAIN; or that Im not saving money or loosing weight; or that some of my friends have really pushed my buttons on wrong Time Of the Month...

Friend 1: You said you wouldnt put it past me to do something that could ruin your 'possible new' relationship. Really!? really!? I joke around that I wanna get into bed with you, but rest assured its a JOKE... Im glad to know how little you think of me... you are supposed to know me; but apparently you dont. This is the second time Ive ever been mad at you, you hurt me a lot.

Friend 2: STOP TALKING ABOUT WORK! I never see you, and when I do you talk about work, work, work. You gotta have more to your life than that! Im starting to think there is nothing to you... because other than work Im not sure what else we could talk about!

Friend 3: You say you wanna 'take care of me'; dont you see its not your place to do that? you say you want us to be closer and hang out more often; everytime you ask to I hang out with you, even though at times we end up fighting. You complain that I have other friends and that you arent a huge/exclusive part of my life; if u dont want to hang out in a group fine/np but say-so before, you are not my end-all be-all. Dont you get it? You made your bed, now lye in it. Sex or no sex, you dont get to have a pseudo in me. Maybe its not ur intention, but im not willing to find out. Maybe you mistake my kindness for stupidity but be certain that you dont get another chance to hurt me. Just be happy that somebody cares about you as deeply as I do. Dont fuck it up a.g.a.i.n.

Friend 4: I DONT LIKE YOU. Ive tried every trick and every tactic to tell you without being completely and utterly rude. BACK OFF!!

Friend 5: You never plan anything, and when I or others do you decide to join. Thats fine. But dont you dare come and complain; dont you dare tell me that this isnt what you wanted/were hoping. If you dont want to hang out with me, or go to where I suggest we go, then either plan something yourself, dont come or SHUT THE F UP!

Being angry at all of them just makes me angry at myself. Angry for caring and for thinking that whatever they said/did was a one time thing.


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