Sunday, February 24, 2008

Facebook I love thee

Apparently somebody is having mood swings today.... sorry for the bitching earlier today. I was being cranky and just ranting... I will jsut keep this short so it wont get out of control. Its a happy one too :o)

Because I moved schools/cities/countries a few times, Ive rarely kept in touch with people. Lately I got back in touch with a friend from High School and that was an accomplishment for me. BUT today I checked facebook and ta-dah! I get a message and a friend invite from someone I went to middle school with, someone who I last spoke to 9 years ago, when I lived in Paraguay!

This 'encounter' got me really excited about 'hunting' for friends from before; more people whose faces were still engraved in my head but who I havent heard of in 9 years. After putting my best stalking skills to the test, I found (and in one way or another messaged) about 5 of them.

They are all grown up now... but their pictures are a dead give-away that they are the same people. They all seem to have made great things out of the last 9 years. Some of them even live in the US now! One of them messaged me back with a long email; she invited me to visit in Boston. Im gonna message her back, and may take her up on it sometime.

Yay for finding old friends again! (and yay for current friends too!!!)


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