Saturday, May 26, 2007


yasis (thats hello in greek)

In the last 10 days that I have been in Greece I have learned to not go into anything with expectations. As much as I expected things to be different all the way over here, I still cant help but be surprised at how some basic things are completely different. Everything... from going to the bathroom to recycling!

Finding the bathroom is never hard.. there are a million signs with WC and simple arrows. The problem comes after you find it... I either cant close the door, lock myself in, am scared off with threatening signs or the most adventurous: I cant figure out how to flush!! I have tried to document all these "WCs" through pictures because honestly you wouldnt believe me otherwise. Some interesting pictures will follow sometime during the next few days (i left my camera in my room and if I get up from the computer i gotta get back in line).

Other interesting things that dont really have cool pictures to go along with are just some of their processes...
1. Learn the word "logari esmoh parakalo" - that means "The bill please". You can sit at a restaurant for endless hours once you are done and noone will bring you a check. We have always had to ask for it.
2. Payment - plastic apparently is an american thing. Restaurants, stores, hostels and even hotels... so many places dont take plastic. This morning we were told to fork over 185euros cash. No plastic, so never mind playing it "safe" and not carrying green ones on you.
3. Water Conservation - the showers are crazy! Apparently Greeks either have more than 2 hands or they really dont mind turning the water on and off. The shower "head" is really just a hose. You gotta hold it when you shower so if you need to wash your hair or anything else you gotta put that thing down... "turn off" the water and then turn it back on when you are ready to rinse. not to mention the fact that the showers are miniscule! There can be no fat ppl here bcuz they seriously just wouldnt fit! (picture to come)
4. Recycling - there are soooo many recycling bins everywhere and always pretty signs telling you to recycle. There are smart cars everywhere also. Water conservation is pretty big too... see number 3 above. HOWEVER, you should see the luxury buses that take us around (again.. pictures soon). These gigantic gas guzzlers polluting the environment.. I just dont get it!

There are so many things.. but my 30 minutes are up. So I'll write some more later!
Heading to Italy tomorrow (Sunday may 27) but hopefully Ill get the pictures up before then!

for now..
andio! (goodbye in greek)
<3 Pree

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