Friday, August 14, 2009

thoughts on first day of MBA

1. Class breakdown: 80% men, 20% women. Feels like engineering school and NOTHING like work.
2. People seem to fall in 2 extremes of the travel spectrum: one group is from here and has always been here, and the other seem to be running away from something they've been to so many places
3. Taking responsibility for my own learning is going to be hard
4. Just like in Ohio, EVERYONE is married and love their kids (whether offspring or dogs)
5. It seems they are expecting us to hit rock bottom at some point and will need their help to come crawling out
6. I gotta stop psyching myself out for nothing!!
7. Personal life. Good bye.
8. Wow... Im actually going to learn something that will be applicable to work. Thank God!
9. I gotta learn to speed read or I'll never make it...
10. Engineers are SO stuck in their own world. "Hi. My name is xyz and I did in undergrad". Guess what half our class doesnt understand what that means!

Off to class...

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