Sunday, August 30, 2009

if only an 8 ball could give me the right answer

I always thought it took a while for people to change, but maybe I was wrong. I have been completely certain that the bf was the one for me, but he has changed so much this last few weeks that now Im not sure. It is not that he is a different person - not at all. The issue is that he is a different boyfriend.

Things had been a little rocky since I moved away but I thought it was getting better. I saw him last week for a few days and it was amazing as always, we talked and we both thought it was just 'growing pains'. We said we were going to try things differently and find a way to make it work. Fast forward 2 days and we are 'fighting' about the same things again. (I put fight in quotations bcuz with him its never a fight. its just this upset/disappointed/sad feeling that tears us inside no actual anger).

We both say we love each other but I think we mean different things. To me it means Im going to try my best to make this work. But I read into what he says or doesnt say and I dont know that he is trying the best he can. I hear doubt in his voice, I feel him holding back, and even when he talks he gives me excuses - no straight answers. I dont even know to what extent I should really believe his excuses. Yes, there are a lot of things going on in his life right now but for how long will they last? How often will this happen? Are the excuses even real or is he just hidding behind them?!?!

I dont know if he is scared of getting hurt, if he doesnt want this anymore or what is going on. Either of those options break my heart. I dont know that he understands how much he is pushing me away. I am a fighter, but I've learned the hard way that I should not fight for someone if they wont fight for me. So what should I do? Do I fight to keep us strong until he is ready to do the same? Do I give him an ultimatum? Do I walk away from it all together? Do I just give it time and see what happens? What should I do???????????


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