Found this video earlier today... it really opened my eyes.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The official-ness of things
I know Ive been MIA, but Ive also been slaving away at work and trying to juggle sanity at the same time. So SHUSH dear reader(s), have some sympathy on me and read on as I have stories to tell and things to brag about :o) The stories shall come in the next few days but now that I have you sort of paying attention... some good update.
'He Who Shall Not Be Named Boyfriend (HWSNBNB)' is now officially boyfriend. (so... HWSNBNB-B) And when I say officially I mean on facebook official. oooohh!!! Didnt you know dear readers? Life has become that psychotic that the true sign of commitment is to be 'in a relationship' on facebook. If you think about it, its like a Public Service Announcement that says 'All yeh single people out there, this item no longer available in market. This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Facebook'. You think Im kidding? I talked to Sasquash on the phone today and I told him I had changed my facebook profile, his response said 'Serious! But just 'in a relationship right? not with him?' when I told him it was 'WITH' him he flipped out on me and told me 'moving a little fast there uh'. Which in all fairness, given how jaded ive been, it makes sense...

But who cares about facebook, billboards, or w/e... my co-workers says Im smitten... and I just really like the feeling of that :o) but I shall be more composed now, we dont want him to know that I like him too much!!!
Unfortunately off to work yet some more...
'He Who Shall Not Be Named Boyfriend (HWSNBNB)' is now officially boyfriend. (so... HWSNBNB-B) And when I say officially I mean on facebook official. oooohh!!! Didnt you know dear readers? Life has become that psychotic that the true sign of commitment is to be 'in a relationship' on facebook. If you think about it, its like a Public Service Announcement that says 'All yeh single people out there, this item no longer available in market. This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Facebook'. You think Im kidding? I talked to Sasquash on the phone today and I told him I had changed my facebook profile, his response said 'Serious! But just 'in a relationship right? not with him?' when I told him it was 'WITH' him he flipped out on me and told me 'moving a little fast there uh'. Which in all fairness, given how jaded ive been, it makes sense...
But who cares about facebook, billboards, or w/e... my co-workers says Im smitten... and I just really like the feeling of that :o) but I shall be more composed now, we dont want him to know that I like him too much!!!
Unfortunately off to work yet some more...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
gimme a break
Work has been kicking my butt, but yesterday I got a nice treat... a GREAT treat actually. I left work early and went canooning and fishing at Winton Woods - a park in Cinci. It was amazing... the rowing, the nice breeze, the warm sun, the good chat, the silly attempts at casting a fishing line. It was a well deserved mental break... but now here I am. Up LATE trying to catch up on work.
Looking fwd to my next break.
PS: Kind of in love with David Cook
Saturday, May 10, 2008
take 2
apparently my friday nights are now to be spent sleeping... yet again, I fell asleep shortly after I got home from work only to wake up at 6AM on Saturday. Since I had just gotten home from work, my phone was on silent so I missed tons of calls/texts and Friday night plans. However, it seems I did need the sleep. This past week was really demanding and I didnt really accomplish much which has made me feel like crap. Thats what happens when you are that personally committed in your job... I just let it get to me, and then things dont fare so well. But Im glad I got my rest... the day is rising and it seems that its going to be a good one.
The waking up early was actually really good bcuz I caught my parents before they left for London and hence I was able to tell my mom Happy Mothers Day.
So it turns out that one of the many perks of my job is International Travel. I am getting my info together now, but I will be spending 2 weeks for work in the UK. Manchester and London. It should be fun seeing that when I was there last summer I had almost cashed out by the time that I got to London. The best part is that, if you remember, my stepdad is going to be living in London already so I can see him; and even better my mom/sisters/grandma/aunt will all be vacationing in France the following week. What that means is... I can just hop on the chunnel and meet them in Paris for a few days before I come back to the US.
Anyways... off I go to figure out what side trips to take during my three weekends in Europe.
The waking up early was actually really good bcuz I caught my parents before they left for London and hence I was able to tell my mom Happy Mothers Day.
So it turns out that one of the many perks of my job is International Travel. I am getting my info together now, but I will be spending 2 weeks for work in the UK. Manchester and London. It should be fun seeing that when I was there last summer I had almost cashed out by the time that I got to London. The best part is that, if you remember, my stepdad is going to be living in London already so I can see him; and even better my mom/sisters/grandma/aunt will all be vacationing in France the following week. What that means is... I can just hop on the chunnel and meet them in Paris for a few days before I come back to the US.
Anyways... off I go to figure out what side trips to take during my three weekends in Europe.
Friday, May 2, 2008
food for thought
Yesterday at work I heard a training that ended with the presenter (a soon to retire senior leader) giving us some advice on how to be successful at work. I strongly agreed with most of his points and felt (as usual) reaffirmed that Im in the right place... He had 10 tips to success which were all supported by catchy quotations. I copied them down and here they are for your entertainment....
1) Some things you must see to believe, other you must believe to see.
2) Dont let having faith prevent you from seeking truth
3) Hoping for the best is not a strategy
4) Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
5) Strike first, strike fast, strike hard.
6) Why dont lions hunt mice? Bcuz even if they catch them, they'll starve / Its not often easy, not often kind... you have to make up your mind
7) People dont fear dying as much as living anonymously
8) If you and I see everything the same way, one of us is redundant... and its not me
9) Work as hard as you play; play as hard as you work / The difference between tragedy and comedy is just time
10) Say waht you mean, and mean what you say
1) Some things you must see to believe, other you must believe to see.
2) Dont let having faith prevent you from seeking truth
3) Hoping for the best is not a strategy
4) Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
5) Strike first, strike fast, strike hard.
6) Why dont lions hunt mice? Bcuz even if they catch them, they'll starve / Its not often easy, not often kind... you have to make up your mind
7) People dont fear dying as much as living anonymously
8) If you and I see everything the same way, one of us is redundant... and its not me
9) Work as hard as you play; play as hard as you work / The difference between tragedy and comedy is just time
10) Say waht you mean, and mean what you say
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Power of the Preposition
Yesterday I had my weekly 1-on-1 with one of my coworkers. The main goal of these meetings are for us to keep each other on the loop and get any help we need. I thought everything was fine and dandy seeing that I had spent quite some time getting her the info she had asked for.... but within 15 seconds of our meeting starting she gave me a disclaimer that basically meant 'put on your thick skin because here comes my mighty roar'. Well, although she said a million times and thought she was bitching TO me, she was really bitching AT me. It made my really good day really crappy really fast.
Highlights of the bitching... her accusations:
- 'I dont understand why you are holding back information from me',
- 'No matter what, you are not helpful',
- 'You dont cooperate',
- 'Do I have to go to X and Y (my managers) to get things working?'
- 'You arent letting me do my job'
But what REALLY REALLY REALLY pissed me off was this stupid and patronizing comment 'You are not set up for success, its just too much for you to handle' and this attitude of 'poor you, you just shouldnt be expected to do all that'. Really? SHUT UP LADY! Dont assume I cant do my job because quite frankly no matter how long you've been at the company, you've known me for 2 weeks and you have NO idea what Im capable of.
I understand she is stressed because she wants control, wants to understand and isnt able to... I get it, but guess what? Thats how this project works... DEAL WITH IT! Ive learned to adapt, what makes you think anyone will make special rules for you? If it depends on me, you will have to change just like I did. Its the right of passage.
I know Im bitchy about it now but how did I behave in the midst of all this 'constructive' feedback? Really well. Well-composed, not defensive, and I listened. Yeah getting the short end of the stick without deserving it ruined quite a bit of my day and productivity, but Im glad I know I can take it and she just lost credibility with me.
bitching at me? my ass. Go bitch at someone else. If I dont get an apology, none of me jumping through hoops for you from here on.
I cant handle my work?! You have no idea who you are dealing with.
Highlights of the bitching... her accusations:
- 'I dont understand why you are holding back information from me',
- 'No matter what, you are not helpful',
- 'You dont cooperate',
- 'Do I have to go to X and Y (my managers) to get things working?'
- 'You arent letting me do my job'
But what REALLY REALLY REALLY pissed me off was this stupid and patronizing comment 'You are not set up for success, its just too much for you to handle' and this attitude of 'poor you, you just shouldnt be expected to do all that'. Really? SHUT UP LADY! Dont assume I cant do my job because quite frankly no matter how long you've been at the company, you've known me for 2 weeks and you have NO idea what Im capable of.
I understand she is stressed because she wants control, wants to understand and isnt able to... I get it, but guess what? Thats how this project works... DEAL WITH IT! Ive learned to adapt, what makes you think anyone will make special rules for you? If it depends on me, you will have to change just like I did. Its the right of passage.
I know Im bitchy about it now but how did I behave in the midst of all this 'constructive' feedback? Really well. Well-composed, not defensive, and I listened. Yeah getting the short end of the stick without deserving it ruined quite a bit of my day and productivity, but Im glad I know I can take it and she just lost credibility with me.
bitching at me? my ass. Go bitch at someone else. If I dont get an apology, none of me jumping through hoops for you from here on.
I cant handle my work?! You have no idea who you are dealing with.
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