'He Who Shall Not Be Named Boyfriend (HWSNBNB)' is now officially boyfriend. (so... HWSNBNB-B) And when I say officially I mean on facebook official. oooohh!!! Didnt you know dear readers? Life has become that psychotic that the true sign of commitment is to be 'in a relationship' on facebook. If you think about it, its like a Public Service Announcement that says 'All yeh single people out there, this item no longer available in market. This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Facebook'. You think Im kidding? I talked to Sasquash on the phone today and I told him I had changed my facebook profile, his response said 'Serious! But just 'in a relationship right? not with him?' when I told him it was 'WITH' him he flipped out on me and told me 'moving a little fast there uh'. Which in all fairness, given how jaded ive been, it makes sense...
But who cares about facebook, billboards, or w/e... my co-workers says Im smitten... and I just really like the feeling of that :o) but I shall be more composed now, we dont want him to know that I like him too much!!!
Unfortunately off to work yet some more...
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