Tuesday, September 15, 2009

fast forward life a little bit, please?

Today I talked to a good friend from a while ago. Although our conversation was short, I thought it summarized well how things are going...

friend: 'So how are you doing with everything?'
me: 'ok'
friend: 'just ok. how can I help?'
me: 'I just need 5 months to pass by. Can you do that?'
friend: '5 months? why is that?'
me: 'because in 5 months I'll be here for 6 months. And at that point I will have a clue whats going on at work, I will be done unpacking my boxes, i will have fixed my place, i will have gotten into a good routine with school, I will have met people and made friends, and my love life will either be fixed or be old history. So yes, I'd love to fast forward the next 5 months'.
friend: 'i will mark that on my calendar and see how you are doing then'

Dont get me wrong, things are not THAT bad. But we all know how I am with my expectations being too high.. i just need to take a chill, go with the flow and let life be. My friend went on to say something I thought was very 'suiting'... "this move is a good thing for you. Its like when you sit on a chair for a long time and you get your butt numb. When you finally get up you feel so weird, the numbness was easier. But then your butt gets better again."

so apparently im a butt. that kinda makes me smile =)
that was a good way to wrap a pretty decent day


ps: had happy hour today to celebrate my promotion. it was cool!

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