tonight is a lunar eclipse, and i missed it. Largely because its too cold to step outside... but partially because I am so stuffed! I made fabulous dinner and we ate and watched some ridiculous movie "Shoot Em Up". God awful!! So ridiculous it was hillarious.... but then again, with a name like that what else could we expect.
Not thankfully this wasnt the highlight of my week this far (although it was nice). This past weekend I went with some friends to check out the
Bourbon Trail - very neat stuff. It is only about a 2 hour drive

from Cinci and we visit a few distillerys. Great stuff! Woodford Reserve was my favorite because of the high quality, small scale production they have. Very neat! But Makers Mark was a little more 'main stream' where they let us stick our fingers in the yeast and barley and taste it!! I know it all gets fermented, and filtered here and there and eventually turns to alcohol so my fingers wont make that much of a difference... but they probably have about 8 tours per day with about 15-20 people each. Thats a LOT of dirty fingers and now just makes me think of bourbon in a bit of a different light. But its alright, bcuz Im not a HUGE fan anyways.
After we visited the distillery's we stayed the night at a B&B in Louisville and WOW, WOW... left me

speechless. I'll post some pics on it. It was the most beautiful, museum-looking place Ive ever been in... it did come with its challenges, such as a bathroom in the room without a door. Usually not a problem, as long as you are not sharing a room with a guy... yeah! that made it tricky!! And no shower head; just a tub with a spout. Beautiful place thought :) Pictures to come soon.
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